Sunday, November 11, 2012


Elf in the Shelf, I don't really get it. Is it just a fun tradition or are parents trusting the elf will alter their kids' behaviors?

Somehow I got lucky. An elf is not in our house. I have a suspicion the elf would cause all kinds of mayhem with the Blythe girls and Ken the nudist could feel replaced.

This year, since I'm in school, I've gotten lazy on presents. I'm roasting coffee for everyone who drinks it. R is getting a pair of ankle socks that I've knitted up. Joe is getting a beard shirt from Etsy.

I'm super excited about what Santa will deliver this year! R is getting a real Blythe. I've been buying supplies to customize the little gal. A package will have: a blonde scalp, 2 eye chips, eyelashes, and pull chord supplies. Plus a white chihuahua friend, boots, tights, a Woody doll, dress, and a headband.

She's getting a Hujoo Freya BJD cat too.

That's it for now. Hopefully I will survive until Christmas.

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